When you learn about the O Shot in San Diego advantages, not to mention how easy, secure, and painless the procedure is, you naturally want to know how all of this awesomeness is going to function. You only need a few injections, and your sexual life will be fantastic. Orgasm Shot safe ‘s and effective technology has been used by doctors for many years, so the outcomes are well-established and satisfying. Here is a summary of what to anticipate following the Orgasm Shot.
What is the O Shot in San Diego?
The O Shot San Diego is a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation procedure for women who have poor libido, trouble getting orgasms, dry vagina, uncomfortable intercourse, or incontinence.

The O Shot in San Diego for Sexual Dysfunction
sexual maladjustment, lack of sex motivation. the inability to arouse or orgasm during sexual activity. uncomfortable or painful sex. If you’re dealing with any of these signs of sexual dysfunction, you’re not alone. Nearly 43% of women claim to have poor sexual function to some extent.
Women of all ages experience sexual problems. However, because of hormonal abnormalities, it might be especially difficult for women who are starting menopause. You might want to think about the O Shot in San Diego if you simply have lost interest in sex or struggle to stay lubricated before or during sexual activity.
How Does the O Shot San Diego Work?
The Orgasm Shot is an injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into a woman’s vagina and clitoris. During the treatment in the doctor’s office, the PRP is safely made from a woman’s own blood and is rich in growth factors. The same qualities of PRP that promote healthy tissue regeneration and enhanced blood flow in the clitoris and vaginal stimulate healing and new tissue growth in wounds and injuries. These revitalized tissues give women the chance to have a stronger orgasmic reaction, which may also indicate that their urine incontinence problems may get better.
What to Expect After Orgasm Shot treatment
The PRP growth factors start to work right away, plumping the treated areas and triggering the vaginal and clitoral tissues’ stem cells to promote new tissue growth and regeneration. Although many patients see benefits within the first three weeks of treatment, full tissue regrowth does not occur until around three months after the injection. The O Shot typically lasts 12 to 18 months.